International Moving Services (IMS) is a full-service moving company. Our professional and caring multilingual team makes IMS a perfect choice for commercial, governmental and residential moves all over the world.

About IMS

IMS was created as an answer to the large and bureaucratic companies we all are tired of. Our experience, gut feeling and insight formed a concept of an ideal moving company that should be professional, flexible and agile.

Our quality is substantiated by a long list of satisfied customers. Find out more. 

Move Management

  • We handle move management services regardless your origin and destination
  • We consult our clients on customs regulations and documentation, transport mode and transit time
  • Our move coordinator is a “one-point-of-contact” to handle all the key processes of your move
  • We are ready to offer storage facilities and other auxiliary services that our clients may need
  • We arrange transport and storage insurance from one of the market leader in this area


“An international move presents complexities, much paperwork and the potential for many things to get off track. IMS gave us the one thing we were looking for: Service. That service helped make our move seem effortless. I didn’t believe it could be done, but IMS happily proved me wrong.”


“At 10.15 this morning everything was completed. I am again happily with my books and your guys did a wonderful work. Precise, quick, efficient, kind and professional. I am very glad and personally grateful. Your person and your company are among the best things I met since my arrival in Russia. Thank you”.

Claudio Poeta, Italian Institute of Culture

“Moving is stressful enough, but an international move can be traumatic. All our worries were taken out of our hands and things just got done, and done properly.”

Moscow Renaissance Hotel

“The company IMS has been very helpful during the move phase. I have been given enough information and follow up has been to ensure me to comply with all legalities. Well done!”

Mr. Gezgin Kivanc (Ritz Carlton)